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Changzhou Changhai Welding Materials Co., Ltd. Clean Production Audit Publicity

Release time:2024-03-13    view:

According to the Clean Production Promotion Law of the People's Republic of China, the Clean Production Audit Measures (Order No. 38 of the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Environmental Protection), and the Notice of the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment on Publishing the List of Key Enterprises for the 15th Batch of Clean Production Audit in Jiangsu Province (Su Huan Ban [2019] No. 54), Changzhou Changhai Welding Materials Co., Ltd. is one of the objects on the list for mandatory clean production audit in Jintan District, Changzhou City. In March 2019, Changzhou Changhai Welding Materials Co., Ltd. collaborated with Suzhou Ketai Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. to carry out the company's first mandatory clean production audit under the guidance of Changzhou Environmental Protection Bureau and Jintan District Environmental Protection Bureau. The current total approved amount of pollutants in the company's entire plant is: COD ≤ 2.808t for water pollutants; SS ≤ 2.808t; NH3-N ≤ 0.459t; TP ≤ 0.006t, CU ≤ 0.012. Atmospheric pollutants: Sulfuric acid mist ≤ 0.2t. All solid waste is comprehensively utilized or safely treated.


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